
Find Peace and Harmony within myself

Saturday 13 June 2015

June 13/15 A beartiful start to the Weedend with my Girl

I am gushing and gushing this morning. She arrived shortly after 8 last evening and left around 9:30 this morning. She first needed to just sit and relax herself after a very busy day of work. So we just snuggled and kissed and sat quietly together for a while. She was chilled so I just kept rubbing her back and arms and got her a steaming cup of tea. After a while she needed a shower to wake herself up. I wanted her (and I) to just call it a night and let her fall asleep in my arms. Not her, the shower gave her a second wind so we watched the first show of The Colour Orange is Black. A show we have both watched since the first episode 3 years ago. It was good as usual. Then we really started kissing and getting very amorous with one another. I got a candle, kicked Rocky outside for the night (she is highly Allergic) and headed off to my bed. Well it was a most wonderful time as expected it would be. However, it was very different as well. I had decided that I would and wanted to take the lead and be the aggressor. She did so much for me last weekend and just let me evolve at my own pace and time. This time however I had a very specific plan in mind. I had decided it was the time for me to face my most difficult fears. It was time and because I now completely trust her implicitly I not only needed to do this I really needed to do it for both of us to be able to face these fears of mind together. I placed her on her back and began kissing her with purpose and direction down her luscious body without hesitation. I kissed her ever so gently on the Apex of her body. Then vigorously I began a slow methodical exploration the was all consuming of her sweetness. I needed no direction or help with this as I thought I would. I just knew without knowing what I was doing was oh so sweet and nice. Although I could not see her face I could hear and feel her pleasure with what I was doing. That certainly pushed us both to greater heights of desires and need. I thought last week was incredible together and it was but last night was the icing on the cake. I took her to a place that she had really only dreamed of going herself before. It has brought us closer than we ever thought possible in so many wonderful and exciting ways. Today I am quiet and lost in so many wonderful thoughts. I told her that I just want to ravish her when next we have some time alone together. Hopefully we can figure that out today or tomorrow We both are absolutely amazed at what we have discovered. It was so cute this morning before she left. We talked and talked and were ;ole magnets to each others mouths. We kissed every time we got within a few feet of each other. She brought her tools of her trade with her and trim my hair for me. She was fast, she was thorough and she was good. I love what she did and then she had to leave to go see some clients who a great friends of hers. Tomorrow I get to meet one of her many life long friends as we are going to a kind of fortune teller event down in the Glebe. I love that part of town. So that will be very interesting for sure. I have never wanted to experience that kind of think before but with my girl by my side I am game to go. I know I should be so explicit in the blog but hell it is my life and my Journal and I do not ever want to forget these incredible experiences with this most beautiful and caring woman. NEVER!!!!!

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